JustBeGreen Villages America is developing the first smart tech, agro community development/laboratory.
Practicing Conscious Economics
Our Story…
Operating in compliance with House Bill 2116, signed by Governor Bill Haslam (LINK), JustBeGreen Villages America is developing the first smart tech, Agro community development, a global laboratory to be built from the ground up in Morgan County Tennessee
JBGST will be documenting the development of the 1st Agro base village template to be built in the State of Tennessee. As the project develops it will become a global destination which will be attracting all of the old and new technologies from around the globe.
All of the multi- segment technologies used for infrastructure, communications, logistics, healthcare, agriculture, energy, building products and material and to include all of there diversified services.
JBG Villages America is defined as an ‘environmental sandbox’ and or laboratory. Each footprint component within the land plan will have their individual numbered seats and areas of influence. All participants will be of like-minded people who care about the environment.
JBG Smart Tech will also be listing all of its global vendor participants, who will be identifying all of the latest and newest technologies coming companies from around the globe.
JBGST is collecting all of the environmentally sensitive technologies required to build JustBeGreen Villages. Each component within their land plan will be demonstrating the best use tech, per there segmented footprint within their land plan.
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